FBI meluncurkan sebuah aplikasi yang bertujuan untuk mencegah penculikan anak. Aplikasi bernama Child ID ini berisi biodata si anak, berupa foto, ciri-ciri fisik, tinggi dan berat badan. FBI sengaja membuat software tersebut dalam format email agar dalam keadaan darurat, orang tua lebih mudah menghubungi dan mengirimkan data anaknya ke pihak berwajib dan Melalui aplikasi ini orang tua juga bisa membuat laporan tentang anak mereka ke polisi setempat. Selain berisi tentang identitas anak, aplikasi tersebut juga memberikan tips tentang apa yang harus dilakukan beberapa jam pertama setelah orang tua menyadari anaknya hilang atau di luar pengawasan Untuk keamanan data anak, FBI menjamin konten di dalam aplikasi tidak akan tersebar kepada siapapun, kecuali orang tua telah melaporkan bahwa anak mereka hilang.

Namun untuk sementara aplikasi Child ID baru tersedia gratis untuk iPhone. Untuk ponsel pintar lainnya, seperti Android, BlackBerry, atau Windows Phone, FBI mengatakan akan diusahakan dalam waktu dekat.
The FBI's Child ID App
Putting Safety in Your Hands

You're shopping at the mall with your children when one of them suddenly disappears. A quick search of the nearby area is unsuccessful. What do you do?
Now there's a free new tool from the FBI that can help. Our just launched Child ID app—the first mobile application created by the FBI—provides a convenient place to electronically store photos and vital information about your children so that it’s literally right at hand if you need it. You can show the pictures and provide physical identifiers such as height and weight to security or police officers on the spot. Using a special tab on the app, you can also quickly and easily e-mail the information to authorities with a few clicks.
The app also includes tips on keeping children safe as well as specific guidance on what to do in those first few crucial hours after a child goes missing.
We encourage you to share the word about this app with family and friends, especially during upcoming activities in your communities to raise awareness on crime and drug prevention. For its part, the FBI is working to publicize the app with the American Football Coaches Association (AFCA)—its long-time partner in the National Child Identification Program, which provides a physical kit to gather your child’s pictures, fingerprints, personal characteristics, and even DNA to keep with you in case of emergency. The AFCA is producing a public service announcement about the app and will spread the word at various football games during the upcoming season.

Right now, the Child ID app is only available for use on iPhones and can only be downloaded for free from the App Store on iTunes, but we plan to expand this tool to other types of mobile devices in the near future. And we’ll be adding new features—including the ability to upload other photos stored on your smart phone—in the coming weeks and months.
An important note: the FBI (and iTunes for that matter) is not collecting or storing any photos or information that you enter in the app. All data resides solely on your mobile device unless you need to send it to authorities. Please read your mobile provider’s terms of service for information about the security of applications stored on your device.
Put your child’s safety in your own hands. Download the FBI’s Child ID app today.
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